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Historic victory: Council gives green light for EU withdrawal from climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty
The Council of the EU adopted a historic decision to withdraw the European Union from the Energy Charter Treaty, an international investment treaty from the 1990s increasingly used by the fossil fuel industry to sue governments over their climate and energy policies.
S. Korea, Indonesia discuss partnership in development of key minerals
South Korea’s industry ministry said it has shared ideas with Indonesia on expanding bilateral cooperation in the development of a stable supply chain for key minerals. The two countries vowed to further utilize the bilateral Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), as well as global platforms such as the RCEP.
Resisting green colonialism for a just transition
A serious overhaul of how we run the economy and live our lives is needed to tackle the climate crisis – and there are signs that decision makers are recognising the urgent need for a ‘green transition’: a massive shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy systems.
The EU’s critical minerals crusade
The EU is aggressively pursuing critical minerals globally to benefit from the energy transition, securing access via trade agreements and partnerships. Failure to address resource overconsumption risks reinforcing inequalities and intensifying extractivism.
The global laws that help corporations block climate action
Companies have long used international treaties to try to prevent Global South countries from asserting economic sovereignty. In recent decades, corporations have used such laws to stymie European governments’ attempts to tackle the climate crisis.
Critical mineral imports, acquisition of mines could feature in India - Chile FTA discussions
India’s Mines Ministry is pushing for critical minerals’ inclusion in India-Chile FTA talks, focusing on copper and lithium. By partnering with Chile, a key player in the global Lithium Triangle, India aims to reduce mineral import dependence and strengthen its commitment to renewable energy.
Major victory as the European Parliament votes overwhelmingly in favour of exiting the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty
The European Parliament voted today largely in favour of the Commission’s proposal for the European Union to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, a landmark move that campaigners across Europe have been demanding for years.
MEPs support exit from treaty allowing big oil to sue governments over climate action
In a decisive committee vote, MEPs have supported the European Union’s exit from the Energy Charter Treaty over concerns its global investor-state dispute settlement system has been weaponised to sue governments over climate policy. Image d’illustration.
EU commissioner says FTA with Australia would help minerals push
Europe’s Commissioner for Energy said she had been in conversations with Australia’s Resources Minister for an agreement on critical minerals, and that there would be more news “soon.”
Trade and climate internationalism
Trade deals are used to extract valuable resources from the Global South - but a recent victory shows we can make a difference.
Commission presents parliament with Energy Charter Treaty exit plan
The European Commission’s plan to withdraw the bloc from the Energy Charter Treaty while allowing member states the right to remain if they choose was presented to Parliament.
Trade agreements’ influence on the global mineral transition in critical raw materials
Trade agreements shape the global minerals transition by determining access to essential raw materials, influencing investment decisions, and enforcing environmental and social regulations. This article examines the underlying agenda of trade agreements in shaping the global minerals transition, including how they affect the distribution of benefits and risks.
Indonesia stresses on active, fair participation of all IPEF partners
Indonesia emphasized active and fair participation of all Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) partner countries in implementing the cooperation framework, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said.
Access for EVs, relaxation of business mobility contentious issues in UK FTA
India and UK remain deadlocked in free trade negotiations due to issues around EV access & business visas. EV concessions possible with investment commitments.
Klesch Group’s legal paradox
Oil Refiner Klesch sues EU, Germany and Denmark over windfall profit tax while making record profits due to Ukraine invasion.
EU countries to exit energy treaty over climate concerns, officials say
European Union countries agreed to jointly quit an international energy treaty over concerns that it undermines efforts to fight climate change, officials said.
EU breaks deadlock on the ECT, announces exit
Today marks a significant turning point as the Belgian EU Presidency brokered a deal with the European Commission and member states on the withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty.
How people power forced the UK to leave the Energy Charter Treaty
On 22 February 2024 the UK announced it will leave the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty.
Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique’s fossil fuel sector
Mozambique faces a substantial economic risk due to its exposure to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims by foreign investors in its coal, oil, and gas sectors. The investment protections in the country’s international investment agreements and contracts, combined with ISDS, expose Mozambique to multi-billion-dollar financial liabilities.
ISDS regime could choke climate action in emerging economies, experts say
The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system could be putting climate action at risk in emerging and developing economies as investors in fossil fuel projects angle for compensation, experts say.